Math tube

ASTOUNDING: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ... = -1/12
2014/01/09 up!
The sum of all natural numbers (from 1 to infinity) produces an "astounding" result.

One minus one plus one minus one - Numberphile
2013/06/25 up!

This video's summary
for example (1-1)+(1-1)+(1-1)+(1...)=0
thus 1-S=1- (1-1+1-1+1-1+1...)=S 1-S=S ∴S=1/2

Song from π!
2011/03/26 up!
This is a song I wrote to help me memorize π, since I can memorize music easier than strings of numbers. In my mind, I can hear the melody, and figure out the numbers.
最終更新:2014年06月05日 16:55